Thomas Built Homes | Happy Coincidence

Happy Coincidence

Back in 2014 I had the pleasure of building a house with a relative of mine. 
This project was the result.  
We did as much work on this house together as we could including….
-General Contracting
-All Concrete Prep
-Finish Carpentry

It was a lot of fun and we both solidified our love for building houses. We were quite happy with how the whole thing turned out, my only regret was that I didn’t take the time to get any pictures of the house completely finished.

Here is where the happy coincidence comes in… Now, several years later while in the process of building out our new web site, I noticed that this house was listed for sale and that is has been well taken care of.  So I reached out to the local Realtor, Darrah Selanders (, who has the listing and she happily sent me the pictures she had taken for the listing.  


*Please note these pictures may include slight modifications from the home owner. 
