Thomas Built Homes | 5 Things to Know About Building a Home in Water Valley, Alberta
building a home in water valley

5 Things to Know About Building a Home in Water Valley, Alberta

Have you ever passed through Water Valley? Right in the heart of Alberta’s scenic foothills, about half an hour north of Cochrane, this gem of a community is part of Mountain View County and beckons anyone looking for a quiet and picturesque place to call home. Its residents enjoy natural beauty of forests, hills, and meandering creeks, as well as small-town spirit and a slower pace of life that’s increasingly rare in today’s world.

Living here means being on a first-name basis with neighbours, local shops, cafes, and artisanal markets full of charm. For families, there’s a dedicated school district and a safe, friendly environment for children to grow and thrive. So if you’re looking for a town just like this one, here’s what you need to know about building a custom home in Water Valley, Alberta!


Building Custom Homes in Water Valley

When it comes to building a custom home there are so many things to know… but today let’s just focus in on 5 that are unique to Water Valley:

1) Be Prepared for Wildlife Encounters

Building a home in Water Valley means one of the greatest advantages of acreage life – being close to the stunning Rocky Mountains and enjoying the rural serenity that the area provides. However, with this natural beauty comes the potential for wildlife encounters. This close to the mountains, it’s not uncommon to see grazers like deer, skunks, or rabbits, or the predators that follow them – foxes, bobcats, cougars, bears, and even owls and eagles.

The key to a good lifestyle out here is to know your wildlife safety and be prepared for these encounters. Understanding how to react when encountering wildlife and taking safety precautions around your property is important – for example, you’ll need to get in the habit of securing any garbage or food scraps left outside, and you may have to fence off your garden plots.

Organizations like Canis Environmental specialize in helping residents address wildlife conflicts and providing guidance on coexisting with our animal neighbours. And if you want to give your kids a head start in learning how to be safe and comfortable outside, programs like Rediscover Play offer valuable education that incorporates many elements of the natural world.

2) Make Your Home More Self-Sufficient

Building your new home in Water Valley means you’ll be leaving behind the immediate services of the big city, so you’ll need to be intentional with self-sufficiency. This means considering energy efficiency, sustainability, and other important factors in your home’s seasonal capabilities.

Embracing solar panels for heating and power can reduce your environmental impact and lower utility costs, while efficient plumbing and water management planning helps lower your overall impact on the area’s water table. Proper insulation and choice of building materials are essential for maintaining a comfortable indoor environment. Be prepared to manage your property, including snow clearing in the winter and overall land maintenance. If you have the space, you can even look into growing a full garden and raising your own animals for meat, milk, and eggs.

3) Plan Your Waste Management

Waste management in Water Valley differs from the big city, and it’s crucial to understand the system. Instead of curbside pickup, the area relies on county landfills and transfer stations for waste disposal. You’ll have to properly sort and transport your solid waste to these facilities, and familiarize yourself with what can and cannot be disposed of in county landfills.

This may be a big change if you’re used to municipal services, so if you have specific questions, Mountain View Waste, the county-based solid waste management company that runs all the facilities, can help. They’re available to help locals with questions about waste removal and their website is full of useful information as you settle into your new home.

4) Get Welcomed with Family & Community Support Services

If you’re new to Water Valley, you’ll find a warm and welcoming community ready to assist you in your transition. The nearby town of Cremona houses the local Family & Community Support Services (FCSS) office, which can provide valuable support and resources for newcomers and long-time residents alike.

Upon your arrival, you can stop by to pick up some “welcome bags” and get introduced to the area by people who know it best. Additionally, FCSS can connect you with helpful community programs, partnerships, and resources, and point you toward services you may need as you settle in. For example, they’ll know about local volunteer opportunities – in these small towns, volunteering is a great and satisfying way to meet people in the community and learn more about the area while giving back to others.

5) Learn to Eat Local & Support Your Neighbours

One of the best parts of living in Water Valley (or any small community, really) is the opportunity to enjoy locally sourced food. Many local farmers grow and sell their own meat and produce, allowing residents to follow their food from the field to their table.

By purchasing these next-door products, you not only support your neighbours but also enjoy healthier and more sustainable meals. Kahou Farm, for instance, is a farm in the area leading the way in hydroponics, and they grow strawberries and other produce for sale, as well as farm-fresh eggs. Think about it – for thousands of years, people have bonded over food and meals, and it’s still the same today. Supporting your community like this is one of the best ways to start enjoying your new Water Valley home right away.


Trust Thomas Built Homes for Your Custom Home in Water Valley

Embrace the opportunity to build a custom home in the small-town paradise of Water Valley, Alberta, with the trusted expertise of Thomas Built Homes. It’s just the start of an exciting journey, and we can guide you through every step of the process while delivering a new home that perfectly aligns with your family’s needs. Plus, every square inch of it is protected by the National Home Warranty Program, offering peace of mind for years to come.

Regardless of what stage of this move you’re at, Thomas Built Homes has you covered. We can provide expert advice, personalized support, and creative solutions to bring your vision to life. Contact us today and start planning your new life in the breathtaking landscapes of Water Valley!

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